Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

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Text messages, social media posts, and emails may be the primary forms of communication in today’s technology-driven world, but it was a simple postcard delivered to Will Corman’s mailbox in Superior, Nebraska, that started his advocacy journey.
  • Policy
Aceptar la diversidad y fomentar la inclusión puede impulsar la prosperidad económica, el enriquecimiento cultural y la resiliencia comunitaria. El liderazgo intercultural no es sólo una habilidad: es una mentalidad y un compromiso para construir un futuro más brillante e inclusivo para nuestras comunidades rurales.
  • Small Towns
Embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity can drive economic prosperity, cultural enrichment, and community resilience. Intercultural leadership isn't just a skill—it's a mindset and commitment to building a brighter, more inclusive future for our rural communities.
  • Small Towns
Nestled within UMÓⁿHOⁿ Nation lies Walthill, a small village with a big story of community resilience and progress. In 2017, Walthill opened its new public library, marking the culmination of years of hard work, determination, and collaboration.
  • Small Towns
Rachael Barlow y Heather Veik brindan un ambiente acogedor y cómodo para que todas las personas de diferentes edades se reunieran, trabajaran y crearán en su cafetería, River Mill Coffee Co., en Neligh, Nebraska. Por su dedicación de expandir su negocio y retribuir a su comunidad, Rachael y Heather fueron elegidas para recibir el Premio Emprendedor 2023 del Center for Rural Affairs.
  • Lending
Rachael Barlow and Heather Veik provide a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for all ages to meet, work, and create at their coffee shop, River Mill Coffee Co., in Neligh, Nebraska. Because of their dedication to growing their business and giving back to their community, they were chosen to receive the Center for Rural Affairs 2023 Entrepreneur Award.
  • Lending
Ya sea que sea un emprendedor individual o que tenga un pequeño equipo detrás de usted, ser propietario de una pequeña empresa puede ser difícil de manejar. Por suerte, no tiene que hacerlo solo. El Centro de Mujeres Empresarias del Center for Rural Affairs está listo para educar, asistir y apoyar en su camino hacia el éxito de su pequeña empresa.
  • Lending
Whether you’re a solopreneur or you’ve got a small team behind you, small business ownership can be difficult to navigate. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. The Women’s Business Center at the Center for Rural Affairs is ready to educate, assist, and support you on your road to small business success.
  • Lending
Bobbi Howard grew up visiting grandparents, aunts, and uncles who all settled in small towns and spent her childhood in a rural area. With such a rich rural history, it seems fitting that Bobbi now dedicates her time to advocating for small communities as Farm & Community director for the Center.
  • Farm and Food
Local foods are essential for promoting health, supporting local economies, and fostering community engagement. As a community member, you have the power to support local foods and work together with others to make them more available. Your efforts support local farmers and provide access to fresh, nutritious foods.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
For almost 50 years, Denise O’Brien and Larry Harris have worked together to do what’s right. They preserve and improve the soil health on their farm and fight for thriving rural life for future generations. For their lifetime of work, the couple from Atlantic, Iowa, is recognized with the Center’s 2023 Seventh Generation Award.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
As solar development continues to gain popularity for producing clean energy and reducing utility costs, staff members at organizations like The Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund are hoping to further maximize those benefits through innovative use of land both under and around solar panels.
  • Policy
Lo que comenzó como un simple proyecto de artesanía, terminó “saliéndose de control” cuando la gente descubrió su trabajo y quiso comprar artículos para ellos mismos. Ahora es dueña de su propia tienda ofreciendo a sus clientes más que ropa y señalización, creando diseños personalizados para todo, desde gráficos para vehículos y edificios hasta logotipos para lapiceras.
  • Lending
What began as a simple craft project for Mandy Parker, ended up “spiraling out of control” as people discovered her work and wanted to buy items for themselves. She now has her own storefront, providing her customers with more than apparel and signage, creating custom designs for everything from graphics for vehicles and buildings to logos for company pens.
  • Lending
The 2024 Minnesota legislative session has been a busy one. Since lawmakers convened in February, they have introduced bills that address permitting reform for clean energy projects, the use of...
  • Policy
The question of who should own farmland has re-emerged in Nebraska, sparking discussions both in the media and in the legislature. While these issues of farmland ownership—be it foreign, corporate, or driven by wealthy investors—each requires distinct solutions, they all circle back to a fundamental question: who owns the assets that make up our community?
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
El avance de los servicios bilingües en el cuidado infantil en todo Nebraska ha avanzado mucho en los últimos años, en parte gracias a los esfuerzos incansables de una mujer. Maricela Novoa es especialista bilingüe de Conexión de Aprendizaje Temprana de la Región Central con la Unidad de Servicios Educativos (ESU) #10, en Kearney, Nebraska, y desempeña un papel clave en la organización de la Conferencia anual Creciendo Juntos: Educadores de Cuidado Infantil en Español en Grand Island.
  • Small Towns
The advancement of bilingual services in child care throughout Nebraska has come a long way in recent years, in part due to one woman’s tireless efforts. Maricela Novoa is Central Region Early Learning Connection bilingual specialist with Educational Service Unit (ESU) #10, in Kearney, Nebraska, and she plays a key role in organizing the annual Growing Together: Spanish Childcare Educators Conference in Grand Island.
  • Small Towns
In the early morning hours on Saturday, April 20, the Iowa Legislature adjourned for the final time this session. As they moved toward a conclusion, lawmakers passed a series of budget bills and final...
  • Policy
En su puesto anterior en el Centro, Jessica se encontraba con frecuencia con personas ansiosas por lanzar o mejorar sus negocios. Y cuando los envió al personal de Servicios de Préstamos del Centro, no pudo evitar la sensación de querer hacer más. Ahora como especialista de préstamos, Jessica apoya a las pequeñas empresas y facilita oportunidades de propiedad de vivienda en todo el estado.
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