group of people standing on conservation land

Granary Endowment Fund

The Center for Rural Affairs is unapologetically rural. We act on rural values of fairness and justice for all rural people. For us, this means caring for the land and water, widespread ownership of farms and businesses, citizen responsibility for community, and commitment to the common good.

We created the Granary Foundation to ensure this important work continues in rural America. The foundation houses an endowment fund that will provide financial support to address the most urgent issues facing rural communities long into the future.

Money donated to the Granary is invested to support future work. A portion of income earned from the invested funds goes directly to supporting program work. This ensures a stable source of income to support opportunity and equity for future generations. Over time, the amount of earned interest that funds essential work will often be greater than the original donation.

The Granary Foundation has its own board of directors made up of people who care deeply about rural communities. The board oversees the long-term care of our endowment.

How can you help build a better future for rural America?

  • A gift of cash—A cash gift toward the Granary will ensure an enduring legacy of support for rural communities.
  • A gift of stock—Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way to make a gift. Because gifts of securities like stock shares avoid taxation, you will be able to make a larger, more impactful donation. Read more on our Stocks and Securities page.
  • 5% for timeless values—Including the Granary endowment in your estate planning for 5% of the value of your estate is a simple way to leave a legacy for a strong rural America. Bequests are generally deductible for estate and gift tax purposes. Read more on our Planned Giving page.
  • Gifts of life insurance—If you have a policy for which the original insuring purpose no longer exists, naming the Granary as owner and beneficiary is another way to provide substantial support for the campaign. If the policy is paid up, you’ll earn a deduction equal to the policy’s cost basis. Read more on our Planned Giving Page.
  • Life estate agreement—This enables you to make a gift of your residence or farm to the Granary while retaining the right to live there and use the property for life. You’re entitled to a current tax deduction equal to the value of the remainder interest in the property.
  • Hank Rohling Land Legacy Program—Land access is one of the biggest hurdles for beginning farmers. Our land legacy program—named after Hank Rohling, a dear staff member—helps beginning sustainable farmers gain access to land. With your help, we will offer rental discounts and sales on favorable terms to help keep them profitable.
  • Other gifts to the Granary—You can also consider a full range of planned gifts like bequests, retirement plans, and real estate (including immediate gift, life estate, bequest, and bargain sale).

The Granary Foundation was created by the Center for Rural Affairs to serve the financial needs of the Center. It is a support corporation, with the sole purpose of benefiting the Center for Rural Affairs. Its board of directors has fiduciary responsibility for the Granary Endowment Fund. The foundation's board of directors, all volunteers, are chosen by the Center's board of directors. Thus the Center has full authority over the Granary Foundation.

To find out more about what your endowment gift can do for rural America, contact us at 402.687.2100 or