Man standing in front of grain truck in harvested field
Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Gifts from individuals make a tremendous difference and propel our efforts forward. Will you help us keep fighting for all who call rural America home?

We encourage you to explore the following giving options. Questions? Ready to make a gift? Reach out to us at 402.687.2100 or

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Give today through a quick online payment. This method is easy, and you can take it one step further by sharing the link with your friends. Read more and donate now.

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Set up convenient monthly, quarterly, or annual gifts that fit your budget, time, and values. Become one of our treasured Evergreen Society members today.

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Make an endowment gift to our Granary Foundation to provide annual income into the future. Choose from these options to support the Granary.

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Carry out our mission in a very tangible way. If you’re a farmer or livestock producer, here's more information about transferring your asset before it hits the market.

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Take advantage of the benefits of making a charitable gift of appreciated stock. Transfer directly or through a donor-advised fund. Here are the steps to get started.

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Leave a legacy. From naming the Center as a life insurance beneficiary, to writing us into your will, there are various options to ensure your estate leaves lasting ripples.

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Donate from your IRA in order to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). If you have minimum distributions to meet, QCDs can be counted toward satisfying this requirement. Start the process.

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Would you like to donate by mail? Or would you rather give cryptocurrency? Certain donors may even have the option of using employer match for their giving. Read more about unique options such as these.

What’s the best way to give? The truth is, there’s not one best way. The strongest support we receive is diversified support.

To hear directly from donors who support us in different ways, head to our Meet our Supporters page. Thank you for standing beside us.