Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

For those who have served in the military, agriculture can be a rewarding next move. Veterans who have gotten involved with farming after having served in the military have found possibilities they...
  • Farm and Food
One of the Center for Rural Affairs’ many goals is to provide resources to women farmers. Through that work, the Center has been able to offer scholarships to women farmers, some who used that...
  • Farm and Food
“The less work you do today, the more work there is for the future.” It’s a lesson Tim Wallinger learned when he was a boy on his father’s farm, heading out to chop thistles whether he wanted to or not.
  • Farm and Food
Last week, a new round of grants was made available to help businesses and individuals in Nebraska cope with the effects of COVID-19. The application period ends on Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. CT. Applications...
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Dwight Dial knows that sustainability has many meanings, depending on whom you ask. To him, being sustainable means being able to answer a simple, but critical question: “will I be able to farm next year?”
  • Farm and Food
The way we use and generate electricity has undergone a historic shift in the last decade due, in part, to changes in technology.
  • Policy
Here in Nebraska, we are moving into our third straight week of record-level COVID-19 cases. On average, 800 new cases are being reported a day, which is more than double the average just last month, and Nebraska has shot up to number five in the country for most cases of COVID-19 per capita.
  • Farm and Food
Discussion and debate has always been a part of rural America. From coffee shops to the local co-op, rural residents aren’t afraid to show their loyalty for one candidate or another, share their thoughts on the issues of the day, and voice their distrust of the government. Sometimes opinions can spur disagreement and raise tensions. But, in the end, most of us will agree to disagree, shake hands, and go about our day.
  • Small Towns
The Conservation Stewardship Program in Nebraska is open for applications. Jim Dallegge, a farmer and rancher in Butler County, just ended his second five-year contract with the federal program, which gives financial and technical assistance for conservation efforts, like improving soil health and water quality.
  • Farm and Food
The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program offers payments to farmers and ranchers who may have suffered economic impacts caused by the coronavirus. It is not a loan, but a one-time payment to farmers and ranchers.
  • Farm and Food
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped farmers and ranchers across the country achieve conservation goals on their operations for nearly two decades. At the Center for Rural Affairs, we have the privilege of working with many of these producers every day. Here are a few of their stories.
  • Farm and Food
​​​​​​​Fall is here and once again, folks across the nation are focusing on local food for our school districts. October is Farm to School Month which provides a chance for teachers and administrators to inspire and educate students on where their food comes from.
  • Farm and Food
It has been well reported by now that Nebraska holds the distinction of being one of only two states to have refused an emergency federal boost to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as “food stamps”).
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
El Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. (USDA) abrió las solicitudes el 21 de septiembre para el nuevo Programa 2 de Asistencia Alimentaria por Coronavirus (CFAP 2). Este programa ofrece pagos a muchos agricultores y ganaderos por los impactos económicos causados ​​por el coronavirus.
  • Farm and Food
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) opened applications on Sept. 21 for the new Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2). This program will offer payments to farmers and ranchers who may have suffered economic impacts caused by the coronavirus.
  • Farm and Food
Speaking to an invisible audience on the other side of a computer screen, Nebraska State Senator Tom Brandt introduced himself as a Plymouth native and Tri County High School Class of 1978 graduate. He then recited his decades of experience in the meat industry.
  • Small Towns
As Iowans continue to work through a year headlined by a global pandemic, racial justice, and most recently, a derecho that hit central and eastern portions of the state, the Center for Rural Affairs...
  • Policy
For producers who sustained damage during the Aug. 10 derecho, the Iowa Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced a funding opportunity to help restore conservation practices, with an application deadline of Oct. 2.
  • Farm and Food
Farmers and ranchers are incredibly resilient. In many instances, they are used to addressing problems on their own, but there are some challenges we all can use a helping hand to get through.
  • Farm and Food
Until almost a decade ago, Nina Lanuza had always lived in big cities. Then, she moved to Schuyler, Nebraska, and hasn’t looked back since. “At this point in my life, I don’t think I will ever move...
  • Small Towns