Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

The Center for Rural Affairs is approaching a major milestone. This year, on Sept. 5, we celebrate 50 years. In 1973, we were founded by rural Nebraskans concerned about the loss of economic opportunity in agriculture and the decline of rural communities. Fifty years later, we remain focused on these issues plus more that affect rural people across the country.
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The Independent Processor Assistance Program (IPAP) is designed to improve and expand Nebraska’s meat-processing capabilities. Grants are available through the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) for new and existing small- and medium-sized meat processors to facilitate improvements or...
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The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families via an Electronic Benefits Transfer card. This card is used like a debit card to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores. Eligible expenses include household food...
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Cover crops are an important tool for building soil health and protecting Nebraska’s watersheds.
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Los cultivos de cobertura son una herramienta importante para mejorar la salud del suelo y proteger las cuencas hidrográficas de Nebraska.
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Cover crops are an important tool for building soil health and protecting Iowa’s watersheds.
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Los cultivos de cobertura son una herramienta importante para mejorar la salud del suelo y proteger las cuencas hidrográficas de Iowa.
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Cover crops are an important tool for building soil health and protecting the nation’s watersheds. However, transitioning to a rotation that includes cover crops involves some risk for producers. To alleviate this risk, federal, state, and private programs are available to assist farmers and landowners.
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Los cultivos de cobertura son una herramienta importante para mejorar la salud del suelo y proteger las cuencas hidrográficas de la nación. Sin embargo, la transición a una rotación que incluye cultivos de cobertura implica cierto riesgo para los productores. Para aliviar este riesgo, existen programas federales, estatales y privados disponibles para ayudar a los agricultores y terratenientes.
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The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped Nebraska farmers achieve conservation goals on their operations for two decades. Administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), CSP provides financial and technical assistance for producers to maintain agricultural production...
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The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped Iowa farmers achieve conservation goals on their operations for two decades. Administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), CSP provides financial and technical assistance for producers to maintain agricultural production on...
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The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped Minnesota farmers achieve conservation goals on their operations for two decades. Administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), CSP provides financial and technical assistance for producers to maintain agricultural production...
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  • Farm and Food
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped South Dakota farmers achieve conservation goals on their operations for two decades. Administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), CSP provides financial and technical assistance for producers to maintain agricultural...
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This 2023 calendar illustrates month-by-month the accomplishments you helped us achieve in 2022.
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The Micro Farm crop insurance program, a subprogram of Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP), was created to better serve small agricultural operations. Its coverage is unique from other federal crop insurance programs because it insures the revenue of an entire operation based on tax documents...
  • Farm and Food
El programa de seguro de cosechas Micro Granja, un subprograma de Protección de Ingresos de Toda la Granja (Whole Farm Revenue Protection WFRP), se creó para brindar un mejor servicio a las pequeñas operaciones agrícolas. Su cobertura es única en comparación con otros programas federales de seguros...
  • Farm and Food
One of the benefits of raising organic crops is the ability to sell them for a premium price. In spring 2022, the price for a bushel of conventional soybeans was $14.33, while a bushel of certified organic soybeans sold for $27.41 (see table below). Federal crop insurance plans account for this by...
  • Farm and Food
Uno de los beneficios de cultivar cultivos orgánicos es la capacidad de venderlos a un precio superior. En la primavera del 2022, el precio de un bushel de soya convencional era de $14.33, mientras que un bushel de soya orgánica certificada se vendía a $27.41 (consulte la tabla a continuación). Los...
  • Farm and Food
The Great Plains is an excellent location for renewable energy resources. The wind that steadily blows an open field of prairie grass also moves the blades of wind turbines. As rural populations decline, tax revenue from wind energy production helps offset lower revenues from the shrinking tax base.
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The Center for Rural Affairs (CFRA) has been at work for nearly 50 years with a mission to establish strong rural communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine opportunity for all while engaging people in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the...
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  • Farm and Food