Gift of grain helps the Center grow

Farm and Food

By Kevin Raun, and his wife, Jessica, longtime Center supporters

Early in my farming career, I began paying attention to different farm organizations and their respective values. I determined early on that the Center for Rural Affairs’ ideas about the future of farms and rural communities made sense to me. Ideas such as broad ownership in land and business. Ideas like protecting our natural resources of soil, water, and air. Ideas such as helping neighbors and celebrating vibrant communities, including the immigrant and Indigenous communities.

What I learned later was that the Center for Rural Affairs actually takes action to make all these ideas come to fruition. That is why I support the Center and joined its Board.

I became personally involved in the work of the Center several years ago when they helped me apply for and receive a conservation contract for my farm. It makes for a long story, but we worked together and had an impact on the way the program was administered. I used my experience as a typical producer and the Center provided their expertise in organizing and education. As a result, I and others were successful in our efforts. I subsequently decided that I would contribute a percentage of the contract proceeds to the Center.

While I am no longer on the Board and my conservation contract has expired, my wife, Jessica, and I still contribute to the Center annually to help support the work they do. In fall 2020, we decided to try something new and gave a gift of grain. By making a gift of grain, rather than a gift of cash, we were able to increase our donation. It was simple and straightforward. Of course, we consulted with our tax preparer to make sure we did everything correctly to satisfy the IRS.

We made our second gift of grain in fall 2021. A gift of grain or livestock is a tax-smart form of giving that provides a meaningful contribution from what you produce on the land.

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