Stand up for 77,000 hard-working Nebraskans


By John Crabtree, former staff member

On Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, concerned citizens and like-minded organizations, including the Center for Rural Affairs, were at the Nebraska State Capitol. They gathered to support the Transitional Health Care bill, which will ensure all Nebraskans are able to get the health coverage they need.

Over 77,000 hard-working Nebraskans don’t have access to affordable health insurance. During the upcoming session, the legislature will once again have the opportunity and responsibility to ensure all Nebraskans have access to the care they need.

Nebraskans who would gain coverage under this proposal are currently trapped. More than 70% of them are working, but their jobs either provide no health insurance or the insurance provided is not affordable. Their income is too high to qualify for traditional Medicaid but too low to qualify for tax credits at

For those who are not working, the bill provides for referrals to job training and job placement services, as well as health coverage.

According to a 2015 University of Nebraska at Kearney study, if no action is taken, Nebraska hospitals will face nearly $500 million in uncompensated care by 2020. These costs fall particularly hard on smaller rural hospitals in our state.

The same study showed that if we do expand coverage to these Nebraskans, the move would support nearly 11,000 new jobs in the state. In fact, their research found that expanding coverage to these working Nebraskans would have actually saved the state nearly $70 million over a 5-year period, as other programs funded by the state would no longer be necessary.

As the legislature takes up this debate in Lincoln, now is your chance to reach out and tell your senator that quality affordable health coverage for all Nebraskans is a smart investment.