Nebraska capitol. Photo is taken from the center aisle and has 10 rows of dark wooden desks on either side.
2025 legislative updates
Stay informed on what is happening during the legislative session with our biweekly legislative updates.
Two men standing on either side of a shiny metal bar, with "Palermo" behind the bar and three TVs on the wall that are turned off. The two men are wearing black shirts and ball caps.
Palermo Italian Cuisine & Bar
Family-run restaurant finds big success in a small town.
A white man with dark hair stands on a grey shingled roof, in front of newly installed solar panels. He is smiling with his hands on his hips, wearing a light blue t-shirt that says "Make our energy clean make it American" and khaki shorts.
A decade of solar
A look into an Omaha Public Power District Board member’s resilient energy journey.
Man in a vegetable garden that is growing well, with large green plants, holding cilantro in one hand and zucchinis in the other. Man has light brown skin, is wearing a gray ball cap and a blue short-sleeved button-up shirt.
Conservation fellow shares a taste of home
Shahab Bashar quells culture shock with diverse array of produce.
Cropped photo of a woman's hand, signing paperwork in a brown leather folder. The woman is wearing a black and white striped shirt and dark nail polish.
Small Business Series
What is a credit score?

Unapologetically Rural

We are unapologetically rural. We stand up for the small family farmer and rancher, new business owner, and rural communities. For more than 50 years, we've been a leading force engaging people to build a better rural future. We live this work. Welcome to our rural revolution.

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Offering small business and housing loans in Nebraska.
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Loans for small- and medium-sized facilities, resources, advocacy.
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We have programs and resources for beginning, women, veteran, and conventional farmers.
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Find rural analysis on the topics affecting rural communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions? We have answers. Here are some of the more common questions we receive. If you don't see what you're looking for here, please send us an email at [email protected].

Yes. Our staff host regular videos called "Rural Rapport" that describe our work, and many of our webinars are published online. We even have feature and how-to videos. All clips and full features can be found on our YouTube channel. Click here to watch.

You can donate to the Center in a number of ways.

  • Give online at - either a one-time donation or you can set up a recurring donation.
  • Check out options to give to our Granary Foundation here.
  • You can mail in donations to: Center for Rural Affairs, PO Box 136, Lyons, NE 68038. 

Updates on the 2023 farm bill can be found our farm bill page here. Read up on the Center's priorities here.

Our home ownership loans are from $5,000 to $100,000 and can be used for: purchase of home, owner occupied rehabilitation or renovation, or emergency repair to a property in Nebraska. Visit for more information and to apply online. If you have questions, click here to find your loan specialist.

Our small business loans are only available in Nebraska. Visit to view the types of loans we offer and to apply online. If you have questions, click here to find your loan specialist.

Our Mission

Establish strong rural communities, social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine opportunity for all while engaging people in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the future of their communities.