Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Si bien la electricidad es esencial para los hogares y negocios en los EE. UU., el costo del servicio puede representar una carga para los clientes. Una estrategia clave para limitar esta carga es implementar medidas de eficiencia que puedan reducir los costos al reducir el consumo de energía. En...
  • Policy
While access to electricity is essential for homes and businesses across the U.S., the cost of service can pose a burden to customers. One key strategy to limit this burden is to implement efficiency measures that can cut costs by reducing energy consumption. On average, a U.S. household spends $1...
  • Policy
Si bien el acceso a la electricidad es esencial para los hogares y las empresas en los EE. UU., el costo del servicio puede representar una carga para los clientes. Una estrategia clave para limitar esta carga es implementar medidas de eficiencia que puedan reducir los costos al reducir el consumo...
  • Policy
While electricity is essential for homes and businesses across the U.S., the cost of service can pose a burden to customers. One key strategy to limit this burden is to implement efficiency measures that can cut costs by reducing energy consumption. On average, a U.S. household spends $1,411.80 for...
  • Policy
Si bien la electricidad es esencial para los hogares y negocios en los EE. UU., el costo del servicio puede representar una carga para los clientes. Una estrategia clave para limitar esta carga es implementar medidas de eficiencia que puedan reducir los costos al reducir el consumo de energía. En...
  • Policy
While access to electricity is essential for homes and businesses across the U.S., the cost of service can pose a burden to customers. One key strategy to limit this burden is to implement efficiency measures that can cut costs by reducing energy consumption. On average, a U.S. household spends $1...
  • Policy
Si bien el acceso a la electricidad es esencial para los hogares y las empresas en los EE. UU., el costo del servicio puede representar una carga para los clientes. Una estrategia clave para limitar esta carga es implementar medidas de eficiencia que puedan reducir los costos al reducir el consumo...
  • Policy
The Center for Rural Affairs conducted a research project with outside beekeepers, designed to compare and highlight four alternative hive structures: Nuc, Shallow, Top Bar, and Long Langstroth.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs conducted a research project with outside beekeepers, designed to compare and highlight four alternative hive structures: Nuc, Shallow, Top Bar, and Long Langstroth.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs conducted a research project with outside beekeepers, designed to compare and highlight four alternative hive structures: Nuc, Shallow, Top Bar, and Long Langstroth.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs conducted a research project with outside beekeepers, designed to compare and highlight four alternative hive structures: Nuc, Shallow, Top Bar, and Long Langstroth.
  • Farm and Food
Este es un ejemplo de la vida real de un apicultor principiante. Lea este estudio de caso para obtener sugerencias y consejos.
  • Farm and Food
Este es un ejemplo de la vida real de un apicultor principiante. Lea este estudio de caso para obtener sugerencias y consejos.
  • Farm and Food
Para bajar esta publicación en español haga clic aquí. This is a real-life example of a start-up beekeeper, Martha Pinto. Martha keeps bees near Omaha, Nebraska. Read this case study for tips and advice. To learn more about our work with beginning farmers and beekeepers, click here.
  • Farm and Food
This is a real-life example of a start-up beekeeper, Adam Barreras. Adam keeps bees near Omaha, Nebraska. Read this case study for tips and advice. To learn more about our work with beginning farmers and beekeepers, click here.
  • Farm and Food
What is the best thing about traveling? Visiting small towns, hands down. I haven’t traveled much in the last couple of years due to the pandemic, but I was able to get to Georgia and Colorado for weddings, Arizona and Utah for a conference, and Minnesota for an actual vacation (because North Shore of Lake Superior is my all-time favorite).
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
In 2021, Congress set into motion the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), a multi-faceted economic stimulus package. Within it, $350 billion was earmarked for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. The amount of money a jurisdiction received was based on population. Funds must be obligated...
  • Policy
Noticias sobre Pequeñas Empresas del Center for Rural Affairs, incluyen historias seleccionadas de éxito de empresarios de Nebraska asistidos por nuestros programas e información que puede necesitar para iniciar o expandir su negocio.
  • Lending
The Center for Rural Affairs' Small Business News includes select success stories on Nebraska entrepreneurs assisted by our programs and information that you may need to start or grow your business.
  • Lending
Si estás interesado/a en tener autosostenibilidad y mejorar la economía de tu negocio agrícola, esta serie de 12 partes es para ti.
  • Farm and Food