Fact Sheet: Making the Case for Solar Beekeeping

Farm and Food
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As demand for solar energy continues to grow, agrivoltaics offers an opportunity to maximize usage of land allocated for solar projects. The co-location of solar and agriculture offers opportunities for conservation, food production, increasing pollinator habitat, and adding additional farm revenue streams while producing affordable renewable energy.

Solar beekeeping is the practice of placing beehives on or near solar sites. While photovoltaic panels are generating energy from the sun, bees are busy making honey and pollinating the native and non-invasive plant species below the panels.

Beekeeping at solar sites can enhance the value of the land by keeping it in agricultural production, providing new streams of income for local farmers, and adding such environmental benefits as water filtration, reduced erosion, and enhanced soil health due to the presence of native and non-invasive vegetation.

Created in partnership with AgriSolar Clearinghouse.