Building Climate Resilience Leaders: Farmers Mark and Connie Tjelmeland

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Mark and Connie Tjelmeland live in McCallsburg, Iowa.

Over the years, Mark and Connie Tjelmeland have prioritized our natural resources and climate through various conservation practices on their farm near McCallsburg, Iowa. 


  • Practices extended rotation.
  • Established 5 acres of pollinator habitat with 70 species.
  • Seeds grassed waterways.
  • Uses minimum tillage.
  • Conducts late spring nitrate testing.
  • Side-dresses nitrogen on their corn.

Clean energy 

Mark sees renewable energy as an important part of his role in addressing our changing climate, so he installed solar panels to generate energy for his home and farm.

Cost savings of conservation

I wish more farmers were aware  of how conservation practices could benefit their operations.” Mark Tjelmeland

Planning for the future

I am concerned about the ways that our changing climate will affect my grandchildren and future generations. I see conservation practices as a moral choice, but also a practical one." Mark Tjelmeland​