Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Los propietarios de microempresas, los propietarios únicos y los agricultores deben asegurarse de estar preparados en caso de una inundación importante. Las inundaciones son el desastre natural más común y costoso en los EE. UU. Estar bien preparado minimiza el impacto en las empresas. Tener un plan implementado protege no sólo las operaciones, sino también a las personas. El Center for Rural Affairs ha desarrollado la siguiente lista de verificación para facilitar una planificación rápida y sencilla.
  • Lending
  • Policy
The Center for Rural Affairs' Small Business News includes select success stories on Nebraska entrepreneurs assisted by our programs and information that you may need to start or grow your business.
  • Lending
Noticias sobre Pequeñas Empresas del Center for Rural Affairs, incluyen historias seleccionadas de éxito de empresarios de Nebraska asistidos por nuestros programas e información que puede necesitar para iniciar o expandir su negocio.
  • Lending
A couple of years ago, the Center began a new area of work, focusing on bringing communities together through inclusive activities. One of these projects is featured on the front page of this newsletter.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
Some farmers in the Midwest and Great Plains opt to grow small grains as part of their operations. Their reasons range from conservation benefits to the requirements of organic certification to local markets they have identified. However, while small grains do have benefits on the landscape, they come with associated risks. To manage that risk, one tool available to farmers is federal crop insurance.
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
Opportunity begins in youth. In this edition, we learn about how UMÓⁿHOⁿ Nation Public School students are cultivating their own food while learning about their language and customs. I had the chance to visit their thriving seven-acre garden, and I am so proud of the Center’s role in this big project.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Beekeeping looks different in every state, and in every different climate. This fact sheet provides an example of an average Nebraskan beekeeper's year.
  • Farm and Food
La apicultura se ve diferente en cada estado y en cada clima. Esta hoja informativa proporciona un ejemplo del año promedio para un apicultor de Nebraska.
  • Farm and Food
¿Está buscando formas de ayudar a otros? Consulte las "10 Mejores Formas de Aumentar Su Impacto" para ver todas las formas en que puede marcar la diferencia.
  • Small Towns
Are you looking for ways to help others? Check out, “Top 10 Ways to Increase Your Impact,” to see all the ways you can make a difference.
  • Small Towns
Administrado por la Agencia de Servicios Agrícolas (FSA) del Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. El programa proporciona pagos a los propietarios de ganado, incluyendo a las abejas melíferas, cuando experimentan pérdidas debido a enfermedades, condiciones climáticas adversas o incendios forestales.
  • Farm and Food
What do beekeepers need to know about the Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP)? Find out in this fact sheet.
  • Farm and Food
Nebraska has great renewable energy potential. As this capability is capitalized upon, rural communities experience numerous benefits from wind, solar, storage, and electric transmission development, including tax generation that is invested back into local communities, new revenue generation in the...
  • Policy
The renewable energy landscape is changing. Wind turbine and solar panel technology has improved dramatically over the past several decades and is now producing a significant proportion of our energy across the Midwest. Renewables are quickly becoming the future of energy. What led to this shift and...
  • Policy
In May 2021, Center for Rural Affairs staff members Erin Schoenberg and Kirstin Bailey filmed an "alternative" farm tour to share with an online audience.
  • Farm and Food
Renewable energy offers economic benefits to rural areas and counties where projects are typically located. Notable benefits include direct payments to landowners that establish a new, steady source of income, as well as creating new jobs related to the development, construction, and operation of...
  • Policy
For many producers, conservation is an important tool in keeping their farm or ranch resilient for years to come. One way producers can receive support for implementing conservation practices is through programs offered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). For farmers and ranchers...
  • Policy
  • Farm and Food
Throughout this issue, we focus on one of our organization’s core values: “CONSCIENCE that balances self-interest with an obligation to the common good and future generations.”
  • Small Towns
Una encuesta de 100 agricultores realizada por el Soil Health Institute encontró que aquellos que implementaron prácticas de salud del suelo reportaron un aumento promedio en los ingresos agrícolas netos de $52/acre para maíz y $45/acre para soya.
  • Farm and Food
A survey of 100 farmers by the Soil Health Institute found those who implemented soil health practices reported an average increased net farm income of $52/acre for corn and $45/acre for soybeans.
  • Farm and Food