Center for Rural Affairs March and April 2024 Newsletter

Small Towns
Farm and Food
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Editor's note:

There’s a podcast I listen to that asks the same questions of its guests at the end of every episode: Who’s a great manager you have worked for? 

My answer is Linda Butkus.

We don’t normally mention staff comings and goings in this newsletter, but there is a notable retirement coming up this month. Linda, our Chief Administrative Officer, is leaving us after nearly six years.

Linda was hired for this then newly-created position in response to staff growth. She helped alleviate the workload of our leadership, was in charge of handbooks and board development, made sure more of our systems were intentional, led human resources efforts, and more. And, most importantly to me, she became my manager.

She has helped me make strides in my own leadership and has assisted in taking the Center’s communications to new heights. When Linda started, she didn’t know much about the nitty gritty parts of communications, like social media analytics and media outreach, but she was willing to listen and learn.

As Brené Brown says, “A brave leader is someone who says I see you. I hear you. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m going to keep listening and asking questions.”

Linda—thank you for listening, asking questions, and being brave. You have made a difference.

-Rhea Landholm

In this edition:

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