Risk management workshop planned for women landowners

Small Towns

Rhea Landholm, brand marketing and communications manager, rheal@cfra.org, 402.687.2100 ext 1025

Ashland, Neb. – Women who own land and are not operators are invited to a series of learning circles beginning with “Intro to Risk Management for Women Landowners,” hosted by the Center for Rural Affairs.

The event is set for Wednesday, April 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Carol Joy Holling Retreat Center, 27416 Ranch Rd., in Ashland.

Dave Goeller, a retired University of Nebraska at Lincoln farm management and transition specialist, will provide an overview of the types of risk and best practices on managing risk on agricultural land as it relates to financial stability and landowners’ abilities to achieve goals.

This introduction workshop will provide an opportunity to look at overall plans, rental arrangements, marketing, financial, and legal considerations. Each attendee will complete an assessment of their land, and leave with a risk management planning worksheet.

“This workshop will be an engaging, women-focused look at successful approaches and considerations for managing risk,” said Sandra Renner, Center for Rural Affairs project specialist.

The learning circles will continue in the Omaha and Lincoln areas, focusing on next level risk management, observing practices on a farm tour, and learning about the availability of individual advising.

“The series of learning circles will provide risk management education that empowers women landowners to better plan their businesses and engage with tenants on risk management issues, enabling them to better manage their land according to their goals,” said Renner.

The session is free to attend, and lunch is included. Pre-registration is required by April 9. For more information, visit cfra.org/events.

Support for this event is provided by a U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management grant.