Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Solar energy is on the rise, with an estimated 10.3 million acres projected to be used for solar energy production by 2050, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. An expected 90% of solar siting will occur in rural communities. Agrisolar, also referred to as agrivoltaics, is the co-location of...
  • Farm and Food
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The Rural Energy for America Program provides loans and grants to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or energy efficiency improvements. Eligible recipients Agricultural producers Small businesses in areas with populations of fewer than 50,000 Private for...
  • Small Towns
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Passing land on to the next generation of farmers and ranchers can be critical to the success of an operation. As the average age of landowners and operators continues to rise, transition planning becomes increasingly important. One mechanism to assist with this transfer is the Conservation Reserve...
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
Pasar la tierra a la próxima generación de agricultores y ganaderos puede ser fundamental para el éxito de una operación. A medida que la edad promedio de los propietarios y operadores de tierras sigue aumentando, la planificación de la transición se vuelve cada vez más importante. Un mecanismo para...
  • Farm and Food
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Passing land on to the next generation of farmers and ranchers can be critical to the success of an operation. As the average age of landowners and operators continues to rise, transition planning becomes increasingly important. One mechanism to assist with this transfer is the Conservation Reserve...
  • Farm and Food
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Pasar la tierra a la próxima generación de agricultores y ganaderos puede ser fundamental para el éxito de una operación. A medida que la edad promedio de los propietarios y operadores de tierras sigue aumentando, la planificación de la transición se vuelve cada vez más importante. Un mecanismo para...
  • Farm and Food
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Federal crop insurance is an important risk management tool for many farmers and ranchers. Coverage allows them to protect the finances of their operations from the impacts of low yields or fluctuations in market prices. However, for specialty, organic, or diversified producers, it may be...
  • Farm and Food
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El seguro federal de cultivos es una herramienta importante de administración de riesgos para muchos agricultores y ganaderos. La cobertura permite proteger las finanzas de sus operaciones de los impactos de bajos rendimientos o fluctuaciones en los precios de mercado. Sin embargo, para los...
  • Farm and Food
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Certified organic production is on the rise, with more operations transitioning from conventional to organic each year. In 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) established the multi-agency Organic Transition Initiative to support farmers who are converting to organic and to strengthen...
  • Farm and Food
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La producción orgánica certificada está en aumento y más operaciones pasan de convencional a orgánica cada año. En 2023, el Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. (USDA) estableció la Iniciativa de Transición Orgánica de múltiples agencias para apoyar a los agricultores que se están convirtiendo a...
  • Farm and Food
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Certified organic production has increased over the past decade, expanding to nearly 5 million acres of U.S. cropland.1 Organic operations have different needs than their conventional counterparts, and producers can often expect higher prices for their goods. To address market differences, the U.S...
  • Farm and Food
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La producción orgánica certificada ha aumentado durante la última década, expandiéndose a casi 5 millones de acres de tierras de cultivo en EE. UU.1 Las operaciones orgánicas tienen necesidades diferentes a las de sus contrapartes convencionales y los productores a menudo esperan precios más altos...
  • Farm and Food
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Specialty crop producers grow a variety of products including fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts. They may also produce flowers or fiber or operate horticulture and floriculture nurseries. The wide variety of specialty crops makes their producers’ individual needs different from those of commodity...
  • Farm and Food
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Los productores de cultivos especializados cultivan una variedad de productos que incluyen frutas, verduras y nueces. También pueden producir flores o fibras u operar viveros de horticultura y floricultura. La amplia variedad de cultivos especiales hace que las necesidades individuales de sus...
  • Farm and Food
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There’s a podcast I listen to that asks the same questions of its guests at the end of every episode: Who’s a great manager you have worked for? My answer is Linda Butkus.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
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Prescribed grazing, sometimes referred to as managed or rotational grazing, is becoming a popular tool for livestock producers seeking to improve their pastures or rangeland. In addition to its impact on soil health and ecological diversity, prescribed grazing can help producers achieve their economic and animal husbandry goals.
  • Farm and Food
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Producers may be tempted to farm as many acres as possible. In some cases, planting corn and soybeans close to road ditches, fence lines, and water bodies can bring additional income. In the long-run, however, it may be beneficial for more farmers to turn their attention to field buffers...
  • Farm and Food
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Los productores pueden verse tentados a cultivar tantas hectáreas como sea posible. En algunos casos, plantar maíz y soya cerca de zanjas de carreteras, cercas y cuerpos de agua puede generar ingresos adicionales. Sin embargo, a largo plazo, puede resultar beneficioso para más agricultores centrar...
  • Farm and Food
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Soil testing and precision agriculture technology have created a significant opportunity for producers to reduce inputs and increase yields, all while implementing a system that benefits soil health and water quality. What is nutrient management? Nutrient management involves careful planning and the...
  • Farm and Food
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Las pruebas de suelo y la tecnología de agricultura de precisión han creado una oportunidad importante para que los productores reduzcan los insumos y aumenten los rendimientos, al mismo tiempo que implementan un sistema que beneficia la salud del suelo y la calidad del agua. ¿Qué es el manejo de...
  • Farm and Food
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