Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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Desde dirigir un negocio como pasatiempos de pastelería hasta ser dueña de un exitoso café, Lynsi Steed está viviendo su mejor vida y amando ser su propia jefa.
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From running a pastry hobby business to owning a successful coffee shop, Lynsi Steed is living her best life and loving being her own boss.
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Large or small, all farms and ranches are important to our country’s agriculture sector. Every five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts the Census of Agriculture.
  • Farm and Food
Grandes o pequeñas, todas las fincas y ranchos son importantes para el sector agrícola de nuestro país. Cada cinco años, el Servicio Nacional de Estadísticas Agrícolas (NASS) del Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. realiza el Censo de Agricultura. El objetivo es obtener un recuento completo de las granjas y ranchos estadounidenses y las personas que los operan.
  • Farm and Food
More than half of the farmland in the U.S. is owned or co-owned by women. In Nebraska, women own or co-own 42% of farmland.
  • Farm and Food
We’re two weeks past the 100-day mark, and there is no clear end to the legislative session in sight. Last week, the House and Senate conducted limited business, wrapping up their work on Tuesday afternoon. Lawmakers’ most significant remaining responsibility is passing a budget, which they must do before the end of the fiscal year, June 30.
  • Small Towns
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When Alexandra Henry moved to Nebraska from her home state of Colorado, she was disappointed in the quality of rental properties available...
  • Small Towns
A mechanic and used car dealer just bought their business building thanks to a loan from the Center for Rural Affairs. This business owner, a new immigrant, has worked for years out of the building he purchased, providing an essential service to his adopted community and earning an income for his family.
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A recent bipartisan survey of 501 Nebraska voters, conducted by New Bridge Strategy, revealed that 97% of participants, both rural and urban, support voluntary conservation and the benefits it provides, specifically conserving working farms and ranches.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs recently shared program funding recommendations with members of Congress as part of the annual appropriations process. Federal legislators consider these recommendations as they allocate discretionary dollars to a variety of programs, including those that support rural communities.
  • Farm and Food
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  • Small Towns
Summer nights around a campfire under the stars, the taste of homemade pancakes in the morning, and the smell of pine trees along the trail while walking with new friends to the biggest zipline imaginable—the folks at Rabble Mill believe every young person deserves to experience these things, and more.
  • Small Towns
Farm to School continues to grow in Nebraska. In 2021, the state Legislature approved the Adopt the Farm-to-School Program Act to reserve state funding to make new and existing farm to school projects a priority for the Nebraska Department of Education. These new programs include assisting nutrition directors with local food procurement and enhancing the agriculture education of students.
  • Farm and Food
El 20 de abril finalizó la segunda sesión de la Legislatura 107 del Estado de Nebraska. El Centro jugó un papel decisivo en la aprobación de tres proyectos de ley este año y ayudó a abogar por muchos temas que preocupan a las comunidades rurales.
  • Small Towns
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On April 20, the second session of the 107th Legislature of the State of Nebraska came to a close. The Center was instrumental in passing three bills this year and helped advocate for many issues that rural communities care about.
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Registration is open for the Empowerment for Latina Women in Business Conference, set for May 3 in South Sioux City.
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Anna Zeleny knew she’d be stepping outside of her comfort zone when she traveled to Lincoln to testify before the Nebraska Legislature’s Agriculture Committee last year. But she put her nerves aside because it was important for lawmakers to hear her story.
  • Small Towns
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Today, April 19, is the 100th calendar day of the legislative session. This date typically signals the session’s end is in sight, with legislators’ per diem expenses ending. There are still a number of ongoing debates at the capitol which will need to wrap up first.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
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Desde las calles de México hasta una tienda en Kearney, Nebraska, Verónica Piñón ha estado vendiendo productos latinos tradicionales toda su vida. Pasó su infancia ayudando en el negocio de sus padres como vendedores de comida. Ahora dirige Piñón Market en Kearney. Verónica abrió su tienda en junio de 2021, continuando con el legado de su familia con la ayuda del Center for Rural Affairs.
  • Lending
From the streets of Mexico to a storefront in Kearney, Nebraska, Veronica Piñon has been selling traditional Latino goods her whole life. She spent her childhood helping with her parents’ business as food vendors. Now, she runs Piñon Market in Kearney. Veronica opened her store in June 2021, carrying on her family’s legacy with help from the Center for Rural Affairs.
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Muchos propietarios de pequeños negocios se preguntan cómo se relaciona la ciberseguridad con su negocio, o piensan que nunca podrían ser víctimas de los ciberdelincuentes.
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